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#5 Exhibition / presentation arrangement due to coronavirus & latest set up idea


Earlier the school has announced that we won’t have a one-week group exhibition due to the coronavirus pandemic. Students doing installation or works requiring exhibition space are allocated a classroom, but each of us will only have two days (totally 16 hours) to do everything - setup, final tests and trouble-shooting presentation, oral defence and dismantling.

Due to the newly imposed restrictions, I have reconsidered about the overall set up. The installation will be divided into 3 separate parts, in the order of how far they are away from the audience when he/she enters the exhibition space: the exterior microphone, the box + tape loop system on table and finally the exterior speaker. Other equipments (amplifier, mixer) will be put under the table.

I will use room M6080 for my presentation of my project on May 25. Below is the floor plan and planned placement of the 3 parts of my installation.

Yellow shapes represent the 3 parts. The exact distance between them is not determined. They shall be separated about equally between each other. Adjustments are to be made when I finally get to use the room to set up my installation. The microphone is put near the entrance and the audience will be instructed (by notes on the side) to make some sound into the microphone, so that they can experience the manipulation created by the installation and more variations during their visit to M6080. The speaker part and the box/tape-loop part will form a straight line to the entrance so the audience will see all the installation components as they enter this irregularly-shaped room.


I will upload a documentation of my work set up at home. The setup will be slightly different from what is gonna be presented at the actual exhibition/presentation at school.



By Charlotte Chung Ka Ying for SM4701, 2020.

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